Presentation Folders

We know how much time and money most businesses spend to get in front of new customers. Strangely, though, a lot of salespeople don’t come armed with presentation folders. What a waste! Leave them with something memorable and you’ll improve your chances of winning their business.

A4 Regular Unlaminated

A4 Regular Unlaminated

Presentation folders are a tried-and-tested way to deliver a powerful marketing punch. Think of them as portable billboards that are packed with your collateral – brochures, booklets, flyers, business cards. So much information in such a small space. Hand them out at meetings or distribute them at events. 

From $648.00

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A4 Deluxe Laminated 1 Side

A4 Deluxe Laminated 1 Side

You know presentation folders are an efficient way to deliver lots of information to potential clients. But you also want your presentation folders to look better than what your rivals are handing out. That’s why it makes sense to go deluxe. The laminated smooth finish sends a message of quality.

From $695.00

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A4 Premium Laminated 2 Sides

A4 Premium Laminated 2 Sides

When you hand a potential client a piece of marketing, you want it to blow them away. Premium presentation folders are the way to make it happen. Front, back, inside, outside – every inch has a high-quality laminated finish. So they’re practical and attractive. These are folders they’ll want to keep.

From $1024.00

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